Sunday, August 23, 2009

Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

I found this video very interesting. I agree with several things that Vicki Davis had to say. She stated that not all students are molded to learn with a pencil and paper. Only certain students will succeed with that type of learning style. As educators, we should always be looking for ways to enhance their education with enrichment experiences. We should be open to look at each one's strengths and weaknesses and customize our curriculum to meet their needs. I loved the statement that we should teach them to "learn how to learn." I strive to implement these teaching methods in my own classroom. Although it can be challenging at times, it is always fulfilling to see them experience the growth of learning.

The video also spoke about how to let students teach one another. I strongly believe that students can learn from their peers as well as their teacher. We should not let these teachable moments slip by us. I agree with Vicki Davis on the fact that we, as teachers, tend to think we should know all of the answers. When students can share with one another we should encourage them to do so. Technology can play a big role in this type of education. As stated in the video, we can live in one place, yet connect with the world. Students can get the full effect by collaborating reports and creating videos then sharing them through small groups or to others around the world.

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